Hi everyone.
Earlier in 2020, after the Covid 19 Pandemic hit, My Heritage website offered free access to their black and white to color software. I was skeptical at first but the results were amazing. It became apparent that this was a long awaited chance to colorize the many black and white photos Mom and Dad gave me for safekeeping.Â
Dorothy Herrmann Kirchgraber, fall of 1932 Photo taken at her first flat on Benzinger Street Eichenger’s were the landlords Girl unknown
Dick Kirchgraber and Joan VanTassel, 1037 Lovejoy
Ed and Mary Lou Culliton taken at 1037 Lovejoy
Kirchgraber family, 1037 Lovejoy 1949 Bob, Lou, Dick Freddy and Diane
Norm and his daughters circa 1954
The entire clan, Easter 1953
Lake Worth Florida circa 1944
I believe this was taken in Sprucedale Ontario 1940’s
Dad and children Ontario Canada 1944 Lou, Diane, Bob and Dick
Bob, Mary Lou and Diane            Unsure of location
Fred, Lake Worth 1949 or early 1950
Fred Kirchgraber, Lake Worth circa 1950
Dick, Fred, Diane Dad and Mom
Freddy 1037 Lovejoy 1951
Henry McMahon and Dorthy KirchgraberFreddy, Lake Worth FloridaDorothy Herrmann Hennepin St home Note rosary in her handsDad loading oats , Birdsall NY 1945
Bill McMahon, Mary Lou, Diane Dick and Dad 1945, Birdsall NY
SoSo, Bobby and Aunt Celia 1942
Dick with Doc who unfortunately had a fatal run in with a neighborhood RottweilerNew York State Court of Appeals Bob, Dick and Mary Lou Kirchgraber joined their father Norman Kirchgraber for the reading of the Judge’s decision on the Antonelli Fireworks Trial< US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit – 155 F.2d 631 (2d Cir. 1946) May 2, 1946 May 2, 1946Dad’s first Chevy, 1929Bessie, Fred and Dorothy 1932 Midway State Park, located in Maple Springs, New York near Bemus Point230 Benzinger St 1935 summer R to L Bridget Conway Dundon, Julia HerrmannBess and Fred KirchgraberFred Kirchgraber and spouse Lizzy at 1037 Lovejoy back yardParty at 1037Jim McMahon and Norm Kirchgraber Fall of 1966 Birdsall NY Harvesting oat cropDiane and Mary Lou Maple Leaf Lodge, Ontario 1945Bob Kirchgraber and Joan VanTassel Back yard, 1037 LovejoyBirthday party at 1037Lizzie and Fred Kirchgraber Lake Worth, Circa 1935Dick, Mary Lou and Bob Kirchgraber Winter 1941Bridget Dundon and Dick Kirchgraber Summer 1935 230 Benzinger StDorothy Kirchgraber August 1932 HMS AquitaniaBob, Dorothy, Mary Lou, Grace Finger and Diane winter 1948 Lake Worth, FloridaDorothy Herrmann, Willena Henry and Ruth PhillipsDeRonde VanTasselNorm Kirchgraber and Dorothy HerrmannDorothy Herrmann Crystal Beach, OntarioMary Lou with Freddy, spring of 1948Bud Phillips with youngest daughter at 1037 LovejoyEaster Sunday 1952Dad with his girls, likely 1954Bob, Lou and Dick, Freddy and Diane front row 1949the whole gang Bob, Lou, Dick Jack Jean and FredDick at Elsie’s in Sprucedale Ontario August 1945Bob at 1037Mom and Dad, 1037 LovejoyBridget Dundon likely 1932 at 230 Benzinger StMcMahon’s Farm, Birdsall NYEd Culliton working digging a grave for a draft horse at McMahon’s FarmMary Lou, Tom and Jack July 1961White 1967 Malibu that crashed into 1037Mom and Dad with Mary Eileen Tom and Mike July 1961 All the family was in town for Grandma Kirchgraber’s funeralMom on left, Al Kirchgraber with hands on his kneesFred, Jean and Jack 1953Dick, Bob and Dad. Jack and Fred in front rowMary Lou at her graduation from Mt St Joseph AcademyMy maternal grandfather William Herrmann at his slaughter house on Newell StJerry Conway’s home as viewed from the Portageville bridge December 24, 1917. Jerry was one of Bridget Dundon’s brothers
Fall of 1966, McMahon farm. Birdsall NY to the left of the barn is a McCormack thresherMcCormick Deering Thresher, 1920’s vintage. This photo was taken in the fall of 1966 where we helped bring in the oat harvest on McMahon Farm, Birdsall NYRuth Phillips Schultz wedding front center Norm Kirchgraber, rear center Al Kirchgraber, Right Bud PhillipsDiane, Rick and Dick SmithFred Kirchgraber Lake Worth FloridaDad center, Al Kirchgraber behind him, Bud Phillips on right
Aunt Elsie’s Farm, Sprucedale Ontario 1920’s Eloise Herrmann on far right, others unknownMary Eileen, Jean, Jack, Paul and Dick Kirchgraber Fort Sheridan, IllinoisMaude Reichlmayr with collieNorm Kirchgraber Summer 1908Christmas 1954Frank and Mary HerrmannNorm Kirchgraber Pine Camp, 1929Dorothy Herrmann and Julia Herrmann Sprucedale, OntarioNorm Kirchgraber Pine Camp NY 1929Twins first day of school, first grade Bob’s first day of college, September 1956First Communion, Jack and Jean Jack third from left top row, Jean center first row Mount Saint Joseph Elementary school. May 1956Christmas 1954, family dinner. Dad always had a bottle of Taylor’s Sherry Wine and Mom put out small bowls with fruit salad. My paternal grandmother on right next to brother Dick. Left to right Fred, Dad, Mom, Diane, Bob, Jack Mary Lou and Jeanbackyard at 1037 Lovejoy Street. Dad, Mom, Mary Lou Bob and Dick. Late Summer of 1938My Dad’s brother Al Kirchgraber and Dad with my grandfather Fred and Grandpa’s Nieces 1948The whole gang, 1037 Lovejoy, date unknownDick, Dad and Mary Lou 1937Diane and Fred, 1948